The Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA) partners with FP2.org and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to host a variety of webinars on topics crucial to pavement preservation. Access nearly two dozen archived webinars — and register for upcoming webinars at no charge — here.
In their continuing partnership, FP2 and PPRA teamed up Earth Day, April 22, 2021, to host a webinar focusing on the future of our roads. Attendees heard from these industry leaders on the sustainability and environmental savings of pavement preservation and recycling techniques:
Rocky Moretti, TRIP
Bruce Ulhman, BASF Corporation
Charles Smalls, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs, US DOT
Please view this hour-long presentation here.
AASHTO’s Transportation System Preservation Technical Services Program (TSP∙2) — administered by the National Center for Pavement Preservation (NCPP), which is supported in part by FP2 — conducts webinars and archives video presentations on pavement preservation. Please view them here.
In 2020 its four regional pavement preservation partnerships — the Southeast PPP, Northeast PPP, Midwestern PPP, and Rocky Mountain West PPP — met virtually. Access these meeting presentation videos here.
Pavement Preservation Partnership (PPP) Webinar
October 21, 2020
Micro Surfacing Issues and How Illinois DOT Fixed Them
John Senger, Illinois DOT
What Went Wrong? A Case Study in Chip Seal Failure
Todd Shields, Indiana DOT
Alternate Delivery Methods of Pavement Preservation
Stacey Smith, P.E., Missouri DOT
Tack (Bond) Coat and Fog Seals
October 15, 2020
This webinar discussed what a Tack or Bond Coat and Fog Seal are, and that if the proper materials are used and applied correctly, they will lead to good long-term performance of the pavement.
FP2/PPRA Pavement Preservation Advocacy Webinars
Impact of the Pandemic on Our Roads: A Local Perspective
October 8, 2020
Brittany Kohler, Legislative Director, Transportation and Infrastructure, National League of Cities Pat Kennedy, Engineering Manager, Asset Management, Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, City and County of Denver, CO Dr. Angela Hager, Engineering Specialist, Asset Management, Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, City and County of Denver, CO Jerry Dankbar, Street Maintenance Superintendent, Department of Public Works-Street Maintenance, City of Roseville, CA
Rocky Mountain West
Pavement Preservation Partnership (PPP) Webinar
September 29, 2020
Use of RAP in Surface Treatments
Greg Duncan, Applied Pavement Technology
ASTM D8260 Mastic Application
Michael Guymon & Tom Cannon, Maxwell Products
New Mexico In-House Chip Seal Program
Lisa Vega, New Mexico DOT
PPRA ‘Ahead of the Curve’ Webinar: Informed Decision-Making in Light of Budget Restrictions
Road Network Improvement Following Economic Downturn: Indiana DOT
September 30, 2020
In this webinar, participants learned from Todd Shields, Indiana DOT’s Statewide Asset Management Engineer. Shields shared how INDOT, following the 2008 economic downturn, was able to improve its road network through pavement preservation and recycling techniques.

Cold In-place Recycling (CIR) and Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR)
September 17, 2020
Cold In-place Recycling (CIR) and Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) are pavement rehabilitation techniques in which reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is utilized to produce a high performing pavement layer. This presentation by FHWA’s Jason Dietz will educate webinar participants on project selection guidelines, construction processes, equipment and materials. Example CIR and CCPR projects overviews will also be included to demonstrate how these technologies have been used on state highways.
Effective Advocacy in a Virtual World: FAST Act Re-authorization and Beyond
Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020
With the latest highway reauthorization bill, the FAST Act, set to expire at the end of the month FP2‘s Pavement Preservation Advocacy Webinars — held in conjunction with the Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA) — will bring you up-to-date on the latest activity and give you insight into the best way to continue to advocate on behalf of pavement preservation. While advocacy has changed during the pandemic, learn how you can effectively educate your elected representatives about the value and importance of pavement preservation.
The panel discussion will include Laura Perrotta, president of the Highway Users Alliance, who will provide an update on congressional actions surrounding the FAST Act, as well as some tips on how to be effective when lobbying virtually. Scott Bergkamp, president of FP2 Inc. and of Bergkamp, Inc. — who recently hosted a plant tour illustrating first-hand why pavement preservation is important to Kansas — will discuss tips for hosting policy-makers. And Lauren Orndorff, legislative aide to Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), will discuss effective ways to educate staffers virtually.
The Damn Roads Still Need Fixing
April 23, 2020
A stream of the April 23, 2020, live webinar, The Damn Roads Still Need Fixing — sponsored by FP2 Inc., the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) as the Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA) — now is available for viewing. This important presentation provides background for expressing road needs and is essential viewing during this year’s surface transportation reauthorization battle, especially in the context of a potential major infrastructure funding bill. See the one-hour presentation.
To follow up, FP2 has posted three documents that will support your outreach to elected officials to set up job site or manufacturing plant visits, or local or Washington D.C. office visits. We also provide Talking Points for communicating with legislators. Visit our Talking Points web page, download the files, and let us know if you reach out to your legislators … we can help!
The International Grooving & Grinding Association (IGGA) has sponsored many videos describing methods and benefits of preserving rigid portland cement concrete pavements via grooving and grinding. Access them here at no charge.